
Sharing our love of Merino with you this Easter

Sharing our love of Merino with you this Easter

It's going to be quite a different Easter for many this year with all that's happening in our world, so we thought we'd share a little bit about our love for the Merino fibre with you. Whilst all of us at Woolerina are pretty in love with Merino, our founder Warwick Rolfe has penned some words to share his passion with you on Merino wool's benefits and some of its uses throughout history...take it away Wazza!

We are almost midway through autumn and the days and nights are becoming cooler and before long it will be the start of winter. The cooler weather brings with it challenges, not the least of which is the challenge of staying warm and comfortable. The secret to staying warm is maintaining your core temperature. Wool is renowned for doing just that. Whilst they did not have many choices, the early explorers both on land and sea, chose woollen clothing to achieve warmth to stave off the cold and disease. As we approach the 250 year mark of the landing of Captain Cook here in Australia, I am reminded of his choice of wool clothing for himself and his crew. The fearnought jackets, pants and gloves were made from tightly woven wool fabrics and were worn by not only the crew of the Endeavour, but by many adventurers right up until the 1950's. I guess it was the chosen fibre because of the wonderful natural attributes that it has.

Since those early days, technology has allowed us to develop these benefits further. We now know that wool is beneficial in assisting in a better nights sleep (used in both bedding and sleepwear) and can assist in helping many skin ailments. With its natural flame resistance, odour resistance and its ability to manage moisture, wool is a wonderful choice!

When it comes to environmental issues wool is again a leader, being totally natural, sustainable and biodegradable. It has assisted in lowering carbon emissions through lower washing temperatures and, because it does not need to be washed as often, there is less microscopic fibre shedding resulting in a longer average lifespan for each garment.

It really is a wonderful fibre having been known to be around for 12,000 years. If you will pardon the puns, it is woven into English idioms - “wolf in sheep’s clothing", “pull the wool over their eyes” and threaded through literature in Jason’s quest for the Golden Fleece and Cleopatra who was smuggled in a wool carpet to see Caesar!!     

So, wherever you buy your wool products remember the wonderful benefits and history behind this amazing fibre. Please take care during this difficult time and thank you to all our valued customers, friends and supporters of Woolerina.

Wishing you a very happy Easter weekend.
With love, The Woolerina Family. XX

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