
Fashion Revolution 2020. Meet the Founder

Fashion Revolution 2020. Meet the Founder

Fashion Revolution Week began in 2014 to honour the 1,138 people killed and over 2,000 people injured in the Rana Plaza factory collapse of 2013 in Bangladesh. Fashion Revolution is a global organisation which campaigns for a clean, safe, fair, transparent and accountable fashion industry. The key concept of the campaign is the #whomademyclothes which encourages consumers to ask their favourite brands via social media “who made my clothes?”, creating greater transparency in the global fashion supply chain. 

At Woolerina transparency is something we pride ourselves on – we have an intimate understanding and hands on approach to all areas of our production, from the hand selection of the raw wool through to the knitting, dying, cutting and sewing.

All Woolerina’s garments are Made in Australia and Woolerina was recently re-accredited with Ethical Clothing Australia for the eighth year running. We are very proud to be part of this voluntary accreditation system as we believe that the greatest products come from treating everyone involved fairly and respectfully. It is up to us to make choices in our manufacturing processes to ensure that our workers enjoy a safe, fair workplace.

In honour of Fashion Revolution Week, we'd like you to get to know our team. First up, we're introducing you to Warwick Rolfe, the founder of Woolerina. 

Warwick's the only male in the Woolerina tribe! Warwick started Woolerina way back in 2005 bringing a long-held dream, of taking Merino wool directly off-farm and following it through to a finished item of clothing, to life. And 15 years after Woolerina began, the annual raw wool selection process is still his favourite part of his job.

To Warwick, knowing that he is taking care of his small, close-knit team is the most important part of Fashion Revolution Week. Being able to create change at the ‘grass roots’ level is how systemic change across the global industry will come about.

Warwick’s favourite Woolerina piece remains one from the original collection (well, probably not quite a piece from that collection, but a design!), the men’s short sleeve crew. It keeps him both warm in winter and cool in summer “I don’t even know I’m wearing it!”. And yes, he really does wear a Woolerina all year round, even in the 40C + temperatures of a central NSW Summer! Warwick’s favourite thing about the change in seasons is to walk in the cool mornings, watching the sun rise and then enjoying a warm fire in the evening.


This is the first article in our Fashion Revolution Week 2020 series. You can meet our makers HERE and the girls in the office HERE.

Apr 27, 2020

Have known Warwick for decades and respect his knowledge of the wool industry, wool quality and processing. Have been a wearer of Woolerina clothing from the start and love its quality, comfort and naturalness.

Ian Rogan
Apr 27, 2020

You’re still lookin good Wassa.
I love your garments and have eight pieces in current use.
Keep up the great team work.

Apr 27, 2020

My children and I love all our many, many Woolerina products. We also love the story behind the products and the passion for wool the Woolerina team have.

Raelene Laidlaw
Apr 27, 2020

I can’t remember when I first discovered Woolerina but it resulted in my googling woollen garments “made in Australia”. I was taken by the fact you made fine wool garments and I put in a phone call and Warwick answered. I wanted to know where the sheep were housed as I had heard that in order to create fine wool the animals lived their life in a barn. I was reassured this was not the case with Woolerina sheep, that he was able to see them from his window. I was sold.

Thank you so much and for reassuring me they were not mulesed either was an extra bonus.

Unfortunately for you they are also long lasting, and every garment I have purchased is still in use.
Please keep up this good work. Good wishes to all at Woolerina.
Thank you, Pat

Pat Marjoram
Apr 27, 2020

I have watched with interest the start and growth of Woolerina. Warwick’s dream started to my knowledge at least twenty years before Woolerina was born. A product of any lesser quality would not have been acceptable to him. Congratulations on the first fifteen years.

Jeff gresham
Apr 27, 2020

Love your products, I have several pieces, so easy and comfortable to wear and I’m happy and proud to be supporting an Australian company.

Well done Warwick and everyone.

Susan O'Brien
Apr 27, 2020

Thank you Woolerina family my parcel arrived yesterday.
Lovely garments as always and thank you for the wool wash.

Kind Regards
Gerda Drew

Gerda Ulrike Drew
Apr 21, 2020

I’m an old friend and love to catch up with Warwick and see what fashions you have.

Denise McManus

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