
Fashion Revolution Day

It is just 15 days to go until the second annual Fashion Revolution Day. This is such a great initiative aimed at creating awareness in the fashion supply chain, although it creates mixed feelings for me.

A few reasons why I love this day...

  • It prompts us to remember the 1,133 people who were killed and the many who were injured in the Rana Plaza factory complex collapse in Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

  • It’s a chance for us to become aware of the people who make our clothes, the work environments and the ethics of favourite fashion brands/labels.

  • It’s a day when I feel proud of my Dad for creating the clothing brand Woolerina - as a brand accredited with Ethical Clothing Australia, all workers are paid fair wages and have a safe and friendly working environment. I love that we even know our farmers Glenwood Merinos who grow the wool for us.

My Dad (Warwick Rolfe) founder of Woolerina.

And a few reasons why I have mixed emotions…

  • It makes me very sad that 1,133 people died, and even more injured, in the Rana Plaza factory. These people were trying to make a living for themselves and their families.

  • There are still clothing manufacture workers in the world who are unfairly paid and who do not have a safe working environment.

So, on Friday 24th April, join the Fashion Revolution by asking your favourite brands “Who Made My Clothes?” and continue to build awareness in the fashion supply chain.

Who made your clothes?....

Pippa xx

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