
Behind the Scenes at Woolerina

Behind the Scenes at Woolerina

As we reflect on the year and move into production of our AW22 collection, we realize it is over 12 months since we installed our automated cutting system; while this has helped to improve efficiencies in the cutting phase, the human touch continues to be very important to us.

Our team takes great pride in their work with each garment passing through many hands as it comes to life, before it is ready to be loved by its new owner.

Here are a handful of images showing behind the scenes over the last few weeks at Woolerina.

Woolerina fabric being ready for cutting

Warwick and Delia roll out our fabric, getting it ready to be cut. 

Woolerina behind the scenes

Delia getting the automated cutting system ready to start.

Woolerina Australian Made Garments

Our automated cutting system in action, cutting through a lay; the lay can be up to 40 layers of fabric.

Woolerina workroom Forbes NSW

Our team of machinists in the sewing room.

Woolerina merino wool garments

Melissa inspecting garments prior to pressing and packing - a very important job to avoid faulty garments being passed on to you, our customer. 

Woolerina HQ

This photo is looking back at our workroom, behind those doors is where it all happens!

Woolerina Forbes NSW

Finally this is our outlook, it's an incredible season out here in the Central West and it's hard to believe that this time two years ago we watched dust storms roll in and out!

Hope you have enjoyed seeing what we are up to!

Love Pippa xx

Mar 16, 2022

Discovered Woolerina products last year. Love all my purchases, great service, i.e., smooth exchange process for better size fit etc. Wonderful to see yet another quality Australian-made product range, and one underpinned by ethical principles.

Denise Fernando
Mar 16, 2022

Looks like a well run and peaceful environment to work in x Keep up the great work x

Karla Gaudet
Nov 11, 2021

Thank you for the tour of your wonderful business. Take care and have a great weekend. We are all well

Penny Miguel
Nov 11, 2021

Well done Woolerina! What an exemplary business!
I spread the word about this wonderful business!

ruth sykes
Nov 11, 2021
Many Thanks for your emails Regarding application re buying Bonus certificates on line Great to Deal with

Kind Regards

Margaret Webb
Nov 11, 2021

Hi Pippa,
Last winter I lived in your Womens Black Happy Pant with Pockets – Do you make them in other colours? They are just so comfortable!!
You have certainly grown with your new workroom and cutting area. Love anything that is made in Australia. Shirley

Shirley Brideson
Nov 11, 2021

A true blue Aussie industry.
I am glad to be able to support.

Rev Denise Naish
Nov 11, 2021

Thank you for sharing. I’m a spinner and a weaver and make my own clothes when
I want something special and I find your cutting system most interesting.
If I wasn’t 85 I’d apply for a job at your work rooms!🥰

Giuliana Bond

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